A. 推进现代电网建设,实现电表智能升级. The new equipment supports our ongoing efforts to provide an enhanced level of customer service along with safe, 可靠且价格合理的电力.

坦帕电 uses a meter to measure the amount of energy consumed by your home or business. 电表以千瓦时(kWh)显示使用量. Your monthly statement reflects the difference in kWh of energy used from the previous month to the current month. 这个数字是用来计算电费的.

A. 你的计, also referred to as a smart meter or "Advanced Metering Infrastructure" meter sends data to 坦帕电 through a secure wireless network and eliminates the need for us to manually read your meter each month. Smart meters provide enhanced services such as the ability to start or transfer service remotely, respond to outages more quickly and provide you with daily usage information so you can be more efficient.

A. 智能电表是久经考验的技术,安全可靠. 所有通信都是通过安全网络传递的.

A. 你的智能电表收集和存储能源使用数据. This data is sent to 坦帕电 through a secure radio frequency (RF) network.

A. The smart meter installed at your home or business emits a low level of RF and only transmit data for a few seconds per hour. The average RF levels are far below the safety standards specified by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). 联邦通信委员会是1969年《十大国际老虎机平台》要求成立的, to evaluate the effect of emissions from FCC-regulated transmitters on the quality of the human environment. 十大网赌靠谱网址平台只使用符合fcc标准的电表.

Q. 智能电表是否发射任何类型的射频(RF) ??


无线电频率和智能电表 – SGCC is a consumer-focused non-profit organization aiming to promote the understanding and benefits of modernized electrical systems among all stakeholders in the United States.

FCC关于人体暴露于射频电磁场的政策 – 联邦通信委员会是1969年《十大国际老虎机平台》要求成立的 to evaluate the effect of emissions from FCC-regulated transmitters on the quality of the human environment. 担心无线,经济学人,九月. 3, 2011 – In an independent study released by the California Council on Science and Technology, 州议会的顾问机构, concluded that wireless smart meters produce much lower levels of radio-frequency exposure than many existing household devices – especially microwave ovens.

“无线电频率和智能电表”,《十大网赌靠谱网址平台》,2014年10月 – The World Health Organization (WHO) has concluded that no adverse health effects have been demonstrated to result from exposure to low-level radio frequency energy such as that produced by smart meters.

Federal Communications Commission letter to Sage Associates 环境al Consultants, Aug. 6, 2010. – The chief of the FCC's Office of Engineering and Technology addresses misinformation regarding the health effects of smart meters.

A. 自1996年以来, the FCC has required all wireless communications devices sold in the United States to meet minimum guidelines for safe human exposure to RF energy. The guidelines are established to protect public health with a large safety margin. 除了, federal health and safety agencies including the 环境al Protection Agency, 联邦药物管理局, National Institute for Occupational 安全 and Health and the Occupational 安全 and Health Administration consistently monitor and regulate RF safety.

A. 是的. Itron有严格的质量保证流程,以确保安全, 其智能电表的准确性和可靠性. Itron complies with safety standards established by a number of utility industry standard bodies including the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the International Electrotechnical Commission and National Electrical Manufacturers Associations.

A. The smart meters we're installing are designed with multiple layers of security, including a dual security authentication system the encrypts usage data transmitted by the meter. 智能电表中不存储任何个人或敏感数据. All personal data is stored behind 坦帕电's series of firewalls that are governed and audited according to the 萨班斯-奥克斯利法案 (SOX)遵从性法规. 智能电表是久经考验的技术,安全可靠. 所有通信都经过加密,并通过安全网络传输.

A. For customers who choose to opt out of a smart meter that can communicate remotely, we will install a standard digital meter that does not communicate remotely. This means that we are required to be on your property to manually read your meter each month. 因为人工干预, additional fees approved by the Florida Public Service Commission will apply. This includes a one-time meter installation fee of $100 and a maintenance/meter read fee that is calculated at $0.每天67英镑.

A. 是的. 如果你选择退出 of receiving a digital smart meter at your new home or business, you will incur a one-time fee of $100 for the installation of a non-transmitting digital meter. 此外,您将产生一笔按0美元计算的维护费.每天67美元十大网赌靠谱网址平台手动读取你的电表.

A. 大多数客户都可以选择不接收智能电表. 如果你选择退出, we will replace your meter with a standard digital meter that does not communicate remotely. 佛罗里达公共服务委员会批准的费用将适用. 例外情况是能源规划和太阳能净计量客户. 能源计划 requires a smart meter to provide tiered (time-of-day) rates. 太阳能 net metering customers require a smart meter to track the amount of solar delivered to the grid.

A. No, 坦帕电 does not offer an electro-mechanical meter but can install a digital non-communicating meter.

A. Because of the enhanced security built into our new systems and the need to verify readings, 十大国际老虎机平台不接受客户提供的读数.
